Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Jesus With an AK47 T-Shirt Design

Now before someone sees this and decides I'm the seed of Satan for this picture, let me explain it first.

I'm a Christian. This picture is the product of a joke made by my friend's dad at youth group. We were working in theses work book similar to the ones given to you in Kindergarten - 2nd grade only with a Christian spin. On one of the pages we had to draw two scenes from a chapter in the Bible. I chose two; Jesus turning water into wine and Jesus flipping over tables and dumping money when he sees the temple being used as a market.

My friend's dad (a huge video game fan) when he saw it said "Is he holding an AK47?"
"....Nooooo, it's a table..." I responded. To be fair it was a small square and nothing looked good in the picture. "However, I think I'll draw that! :D"

A week later I came back with this picture of Jesus with an AK47 in my hand. I was proud and held my head up high as I displayed it to all my friends and their parents.... Too bad the only people who really got a kick out of it was the dad who made the joke and my friend Austin... Everyone else looked horrified or disgusted at it.

Well Austin told me, "If you make a t-shirt out if this, I'll buy one."

Hence this. over top of Jesus are witty/smartass sayings. I just didn't post them here...

Also, if you still think I'm going to hell for this, remember; God has a sense of humor. Ever see the platypus?

By the way, this was my first time ever drawing a gun. How did I do?

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